
Taking Action #4

Oh lord, these have been few and far between. But this is something helpful and easy. If you are concerned about over-fishing and the gradual death of our oceans, go to the David Suzuki Foundation website and download this guide to fish consumption, so that you may know which species remain in abundance, and which you should expect to pay more for ... i mean, not eat at all... heh, heh, hmmmm..... oh god how I love the buttery flavour of albino dolphins.


Flaherty Doesn't Want to Fund TTC

Jim Flaherty, the man who once proposed special cops as a way to deal with the homeless, has stated that the funding for the TTC extension to York, the single most sensible thing the TTC has done in twenty years, is not certain. Even though it was in the May budget that he outlined. Instead, he would like to extend the 407 into his riding. Way to go Harper and Co.

Link in Toronto Star


Cinematic Masterpiece

And lo, there has come upon us a film which is the apex of film achievement, a film which manages to capture in a mere hour and a half all the details and beauties and pains and vagueries of human life, a film with labyrinths built from time and labyrinths built from sand, a film with scientists and soldiers, homesteaders, airplanes, the ocean, oases, sand, homes swallowed by sand, great, endless shifting dunes, births, deaths, chopin, goats, donkeys, oxen and water-buffalo. The stars the sun, the moon, fish and salt and fruit, fine china, old photographs and tape recorders. Sneakers, bare feet, crashing waves, the beating, throbbing sun and the constant whistling of an infernal wind. A film which has somehow distilled, titrated and displayed upon the screen the very Essence of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Go and see this film, for we have nothing left to achieve. It is "The House of Sand" and when it is forgotten, so shall the world pass away into obscurity. Don't see the trailer, instead, enter into the dark womb of the theatre without preconceptions or expectations and allow yourself to be carried away by the play of coloured light upon the silver screen.

Or, watch this cartoon about a stick-figure running amok within a computer-animation program.


New Species of DOOM!

Recently a New Species of Sea Anenome was discoverd. Perhaps this is not surprising to you, afterall the ocean floor is vast and extensive and sunk beneath miles of murky brine. Well, your lack of surprise would be warranted had scientists found the anenome deep in the Marianas Trench. However, the honest truth is that the anenome was discovered on EBAY.

The bounties of the seven seas now pale in comparison to the infinite ocean of EBAY!

We have reached a point now where EBAY contains things unknown to science and there is now no turning back! We in the Western World are officially buying things faster than we can name them! Is that not a sign of the apocalypse? Who knows what sorts of mutants will soon be created by the wild and wooly word of Internet Commerce!



The New Iraq

Several years ago, George W. Bush told the American people that Iraq was a haven for terrorists and a great threat to American security. In fact, it was the tyrannical empire of a madman who hated Al-Qaeda. A country where no one could so much as sneeze without alerting the police and where anyone building bombs and plotting terrorists actions would probably be executed under suspicion that they were trying to assassinate Sadaam.

But the Bush administration's lies were repeated ad-nauseum by a fear-mongering, quasi-fascist media and the American people soon came to believe them. George started a war. So far it has cost the lives of two thousand five hundred American soldiers and between forty and forty five thousand Iraqi civilians. It has also cost American tax payers well over $300 000 000 000. Because W. was obsessed with Rummy's obsession with a 'streamlined' military, the borders were not properly sealed at the beginning of the American occupation. Foreign weapons and foreign terrorists crossed into Iraq with impunity. Because of the massive and utterly predictable looting that ensued the US lost the sympathy of the average Iraqi. Because there weren't enough troops to maintain security they couldn't get water and electricity and other necessities up and running for countless months. The average Iraqi became frustrated and angry. Without infrastructure the economy has failed to pick-up and millions of young males are out of work, idle and increasingly vulnerable to extremist views. Widespread raping and torturing of Iraqi civilians didn't help much either. Now, a civil war is brewing and it looks like it's only a matter of time before the US pulls out, having created in reality, the very terrorist haven that once existed only in the deceitful proganda of the Bush administration.

In light of this inexecusable debacle, George W.'s staffers are, honest to God, drawing up legislation to protect his various cronies from charges of War Crimes. Read the article here.

Worst. President. Ever.



Here's a little something to give nightmares to all the lawyers out there. A punctuation error in a contract drafted by Rogers' lawyers is about to cost the company 2.13 million dollars! Article here.