
Post Modernism infects British Courts

My good friend Jurgen is no great fan of po-mo pompom shakers and other twentieth century theory-nuts and neither am I. The British Empire was built upon strong sturdy concepts like "identity, historical progress, epistemic certainty, gin and tonics and the univocity of meaning." Do you think a post-modernist could build a railroad? No. We'd end up with some kind of bricollage constructed from brightly-coloured model railroad parts from the fifties, arranged in a fractal pattern that only led back to where it started. You try to put a Class 7p 'Brittania' steam engine on a track like that and you'll crash into the ocean before you can say 'derridean dirigibles and gibbering gerbils!' My point is this: postmodernism is utterly useless and could never have collected the riches of africa and india in such a straightforward and efficient manner as modernism did. Certainly no one would question the value of that.

Anyway, the dark continent aside, the Stanford Dictionary of Philosophy puts Jurgen's position as such -- "On his view, postmodernism is an illicit aestheticization of knowledge and public discourse. Against this, Habermas seeks to rehabilitate modern reason as a system of procedural rules for achieving consensus and agreement among communicating subjects. Insofar as postmodernism introduces aesthetic playfulness and subversion into science and politics, he resists it in the name of a modernity moving toward completion rather than self-transformation."

Listen well, the Judge who was ruling on the Da Vinci Code plagiarism case has gone gaga for pomo! He embedded a code within his ruling, thus making a playful and parodic reference to the very book he was supposed to be passing judgement upon. Of all places to find this mephistophelean aesthetic playfulness a judicial judgement is the worst! Judgements are meant to be authoritarian and oh so serious! Why do you think they wear powdered wigs?!?!

The New York Times reports that "the first clue that a puzzle exists lies in the typeface of the ruling. Most of the document is printed in regular roman letters, the way one would expect. But some letters in the first 13½ pages appear in boldface italics, jarringly, in the midst of all the normal words." What in the name of Pith Helmets was he thinking? We all know full well that the text is a determinate and linear structure that constructs a single, cohesive meaning using words. You can't convey information with typesetting that's NONSENSE! How would a person know whether or not they were interpreting your sly insinuations correctly? Legal Documents are no place for conniving connotations to be hanging around and smoking cigarrettes on the corners of the paragraphs. All we have room for is well-behaved denotations, walking quickly and assuredly, with their heads down.

Of all the rational, Kantian, high-brow cultural institutions, I thought the British court system would hold out against the primitives (or postmodernists, same thing) forever, but alas, I was wrong, and thus, the end is near. Postmodernism itself is a sign of the apocalypse, but this, this might be the apocalypse's first tender trod upon our culture.

Anyhoo, you can go and read about the complicated and clever code in the New York Times, or you can go and read the Standford Dictionary of Philosophy's entry on Postmodernism so that you may know your enemy.


A Blizzard of Deception

Well, this one pretty much writes itself... from the New York Times.

"Fox News Commentator Joins White House"

I mean, wow, do I really have to say anything?

The Great Leader has appointed Tony "I'm Even Whiter than My Last Name" Snow to the position of Press Secretary. Mr. Snow has opined that the Great Leader's "wavering conservatism has become an active concern among Republicans, who wish he would stop cowering under the bed and start fighting back. The newly passive George Bush has become something of an embarrassment." If tapping every phone in America without warrants is the work of a passive president, cowering under his bed, what exactly would 'fighting back' entail? It sounds to me like Mr. Snow is a fascist's fascist. He is what Mussolini hoped to be when he grew up and stopped wetting his bed.

However "Mr. Snow added, however, that Mr. Bush was 'the only figure who counts in American politics.'" Obviously! He's the Great Leader, he feeds us with his breath and clothes us with his thoughts. His word is law and his anger is love.

According to the Times, "The White House was hoping that Mr. Snow would use his television skills to take better advantage of the daily briefings so often televised live on cable news, giving the administration unfiltered time to push its points of the day."

It's a great idea, really. This way, they can cut the Media out of the loop entirely. I mean the next logical step is for the government to get it's own news channel... and since it will have the most accurate and up-to-date information, they probably ought to ban other media outlets as well, just so no one gets confused or anything.

Actually, what's scary is that the Republican machine has figured out how to control information while ostensibly leaving freedom of speech intact -- this move is so vile precisely for that reason. The White House now has a charismatic, concise, practiced Television voice to deliver its message in easily digestible sound-bites. The Major Media are far too lazy and disinterested in real journalism to do anything other than just repeat these clips ad nauseum without making even the slightest effort to analyze or investigate them. Get ready for twice as many bare-faced lies as ever before.


Star Wars Kid tips the Scales of Justice

Ah dear readers, I'm sure that most of you are aware of Star Wars Kid and his immortal broom-stick-fatso-combat-dance. Please take a moment to click on the previous link and enjoy the ensuing performance. Afterwards, come back here and I will make you feel guilty about it.

What you may not know about Star Wars Kid is that, like all famous people, he is Canadian. In fact, he goes to high school in a medium-sized town in Quebec and his life was ruined by his unwanted internet-celebrity. He could no longer attend school because of the constant banging of fists upon tables and chanting of "Star Wars Kid, Star Wars Kid" that followed him everywhere he went. And indeed the phrase 'star wars kid' does make a particularly good chant. Try it now.

Well, lo and behold as well, he has settled out of court with the families of the boys who posted his video on the internet for hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can read more here.

Obviously this brings to mind the philosopher Hannah Arrendt, who invented the phrase 'the banality of evil.' Her phrase referred particularily to Nazi Germany, but can be applied in any situation where atrocities are committed with organization and disinterest of a bureaucracy. It calls to mind the men who must have laboured over complicated train schedules to transport jews to concentration camps -- in such situations it is possible for genuine evil to disappear within a mundane task -- such that a person's emotional and moral sense is disrupted, the consequences of the action are horrible, but the action itself is quite tame.

Now I'm not going to label your watching of the Star Wars Kid's video, but what I am suggesting is that we need another new term for a new sort of moral ground that is developing in our world. In all honesty, the boys who posted the video didn't really do much. It was a harmless, although slightly mean, high school prank, it should not have caused hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of emotional damage. What happened is that the prank was magnified via the magic of the webernet.

In order to demonstrate to you the magnificatory powers of the webernet, I draw your attention to the website One Red Paperclip, wherein a young gentleman is soliciting trades of all kinds, beginning with a single paperclip, with the intention of trading his way up to a house. So far, he has obtained a year of free rent in Phoenix and along the way he has possessed, a keg of beer, a snowmobile, and enough studio time to record and produce an album. He has obtained this startling success, by inverting the process which has destroyed the life of the The Star Wars Kid, and distributing a great gain across a wide variety of people, such that no one feels particularly put-out. Other websites have met with similar success, such as the women who paid off a hundred thousand dollars of credit card debt by begging for pay-pal donations, or the man who held a very cute rabbit hostage and threatened to kill and eat it if he did not receive ten grand in donations within a few months.

To return to the topic at hand, it seems to me that we all are infinitesimally responsible for the destruction of Star Wars' Kids life. This is distinct from the situation of Nazi Bureaucrats who did untold harm through months and months of truly horrible, but mundane actions -- each one of us has only done Star Wars Kid a tiny amount of harm, indeed the harm we have each done is perhaps less than the pleasure we have gained.

What are we to make of being a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny amount guilty? Human emotions were not designed to react to situations like this. The immorality of watching and laughing at this video is so negligible that we don't and perhaps shouldn't feel guilty about it. However, it isn't really the fault of those kids who put the video on the internet either... perhaps we all ought to pay three or four cents -- certainly a fair price for the delectable sight of sir chubsalot swinging his broom. To be honest, for once, even I am not sure how this dilemna can be resolved, but as internet-use increases, I think we will see more and more situations where culpability is split a thousand, ten thousand, even a million ways. This will be the moral dilemna of the future -- perhaps even the method of our destruction.


Harper's Cabinet Clamping Down on Free Speech

A Scientist working with Environment Canada has written a science-fiction novel about a near-future global warming disaster that leads to a war with the United States. He was scheduled to talk about the book recently, but apparently Rosa Ambrose (our new environment minister) would rather nobody talked about "global warming" (it's a myth anyway) and sent him a letter demanding that, as an employee of Environment Canada, he cancel the talks.

Ostensibly, it is because people could be confused that this message was endorsed by the government as he is an employee of Environment Canada. Nevermind that he wasn't on the clock and that it's a science fiction novel. Get ready for lots more of this type of thing as part of the amazing 'message control' regime of Stephen Harper. Apparently Harper's plan to stop global warming is to pretend it isn't happening. This is the same strategy that the UN is using to stop the genocide in Sudan.

Link to the CBC article.


Plastic and Gold

I offer you a quote from nastradamus --

"And lo, in the days leading unto the end there shall come into our world such a toy as has never existed before. It shall be in the image of a killer, but it shall have also the face of an apparition, spirit or ghost. It shall have a flesh of plastic, but it shall also be bound with chains of forged gold. And this doll shall carry a chalice of pure gold and this chalice shall be embedded with Swarovski crystals. And lo, through some sort of pull-string sorcery this doll shall speak phrases such as 'Yo bitch, I fucked your friend, ya you stank ho.' And lo this doll of a killer with the face of a ghost shall cost nigh-unto 500 hundred American dollars. $500 dollars for a fucking doll!"

And now, once again, the words of the prophet have come true.
Ghostface Killa Doll
Also, I kind of want one.


Our Doom Is Born Upon 100 Writhing Legs

Good god. They are here. If they continue to grow our time on this earth will be limited and we will all die in a more disgusting and shameful way than even I would have imagined possible. This video shows a real-life incarnation of the darkest fantasies of Peter Jackson.

WARNING! -- Do NOT view this video if you are eating or in anyway squeamish or afraid of bugs. You're mind shall be shattered and splintered into a zillion tiny shards.

Giant Centipede kills and eats Mouse.

Thanks, or perhaps a great heap of curses, go to the Kircher Society, a cabinet-of-curiousities-type-blog displaying the various weirdnesses and anomalies of the modern world and the recent past.