
Hip Hop's Proliferation

Now that Hip Hop has already spread to the four corners of the globe, it has begun to spread in ways could never have expected.... taking the animal kingdom by surprise!

Just wait until we see monkey grafitti writers, bullfrog emcees and tortoise bboys taking over our streets.


Police State

Here's a tale from a country not so far from here. The big wigs of this country were gathered for an important meeting, but many people were opposed. The people gathered together to protest, union members, students, members of political opposition parties. The police were lined up in rows. They wore gas masks and carried plastic shields, but the protest was peaceful. There was nothing worse than insults in the air until three men dressed in all black showed up. They wore bandanas and waved sticks. They rushed towards the cops and picked up cops. The protesters were appalled, one of the union leaders approached these men and demanded that they drop their arms. But the men persisted, they were mad. The union leader demanded that they remove their masks. The men said no, and strangely they began to sidle slowly towards the police lines. One of the men said something to one of the riot cops. Then, just as the union leader was about to pull off their bandanas, they walked straight into a police line, which mysteriously melted around them. As the men were being put in handcuffs, it was visible to all that their boots matched the boots of the riot police precisely.

click to show larger photo

Later, the police wouldn't release the names of these three men, although they did publish the names of other protesters who were arrested.

Can you imagine which backward country this might have happened in?
Canada. Last Weekend.

Globe and Mail

Toronto Star



Quebec Police have admitted that these were in fact their officers, however they say that the men were not trying to incite violence. I'm a little skeptical considering they already said that these WEREN'T their officers.

read more at CBC.CA


Bizarro Cheney!

Look at this! Here is an interview with a Dick Cheney which scientists have discovered by training magneto-telescopes to the sub-quantum resonations of an alternate universe's radio waves. It is a TV news interview with Dick Cheney in a world where George Bush didn't invade Iraq!

As everyone knows there cannot be two Cheneys so presumably, this smarter Cheney will destroy our entire universe as soon as he realizes we're watching him.

Thanks to www.crooksandliars.com


"Town Hall" Meetings

The neo-cons love to control the environment of a debate. If there's going to be a debate they get out there at 5 am and paint the boundaries where they want them, they set up spotlights that will hit their star players and they hire a crowd to cheer for them. This is why George Bush carefully screens his audience and then has an 'impromptu' heart-to-heart with them for the TV cameras. This is why Republicans in the United States are planning to avoid the presidential candidates Youtube debate with questions submitted by average Americans (and admittedly screened by CNN) This is why Stephen Harper sent the RCMP! to kick reporters out of the lobby of a hotel (which was crawling with other less politically touchy members of the public) during a Conservative strategy session, saying they were welcome to attend a specially prepared news conference across the street.

From the Toronto Star:

"CHARLOTTETOWN – RCMP officers, acting on orders from the Prime Minister's Office, evicted journalists from a hotel lobby Wednesday to prevent them from approaching Conservative MPs to discuss the country's governance.

While tour bus groups freely wandered the lobby of Charlottetown's Delta Hotel, plainclothes Mounties rebuffed reporters who had convened for the Conservative party's three-day summer strategy session."

The last thing that any Neo-con wants is an exchange that hasn't been pre-scripted, because improvisation leads to honesty and there's nothing more dangerous to the neo-con image than honesty. Do you remember when a homophobic Conservative candidate was hidden in the kitchen of a hotel. "When reporters tried to question Mr. Albrecht about his views after the rally, Conservative handlers blocked them from getting close. Mr. Albrecht was hustled into a kitchen where he stood alone as the news media were told he was too busy to speak with them." From the Globe about a year ago.