
Peace is the new Pentagram

Just the other day, many major news sites were reporting on the goings-on within a Colorado Subdivision, where a broohaha was brewing regarding a Christmas wreath in the shape of the 'peace sign.' The subdivision's homeowner's association received a number of complaints about the wreath, which some residents apparently felt was an overly aggressive political statement. The board threatened to impose fines if the wreath wasn't removed.

Many would say that the board has lost its mind, but I, apocalologist number one, humbly disagree. The residents have agreed not to display symbols or statements of
a controversial nature on the outside of their homes and the board is simply enforcing this agreement. What is completely bonkers is that someone could be so defensive, so jumpy, so deeply entrenched in a position of bad faith, as to be offended by a peace sign.

A peace sign. What's to be offended by? Perhaps one could argue that war is sometimes necessary and that certain situations require military intervention. But a peace sign is simply a wish for a less violent world, a world where such problems don't arise. Anyone who is offended by a peace sign has committed themselves to a position where they clearly believe in war-for-the-sake-of-war and/or in a war that has no justification beyond its own existence.

But now look all ye merry gentlemen, a peace symbol is at the center of a great conflict.

Surely we have reached the end of days, if signs are beginning to invert themselves and imply their own negation.

VIA: Huffington Post


My Aperogies



my readers have informed me that the bboying clip was broken so i've replaced it with three others. scroll down to "2 elements Attain perfection"


What is Our True Porpoise?

"Scientists have taught dolphins to combine both rhythm and vocalisations to produce music, resulting in an extremely high-pitched, short version of the Batman theme song."

Here's the LINK

Thanks to boingboing.net


Neo-Cons hate Democracy

Many neo-cons are true fascists -- they believe in taking power by any means necessary, even if the American people don't want them to have it.

For starters, the Republican National Committee spent the last week leading up to the election making illegal automated phone-calls, which on the outside appeared to come from Democratic candidates. If the victim hung-up, they were auto-dialled twenty additional times in an attempt to irritate them into voting Republican.

On Election Day, right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham encouraged her listeners to prank-call the Democratic Voter Protection hotline in an attempt to blot out real calls of distress from people having trouble voting.

In Virginia on the morning of the election many Democratic voters received friendly phone calls telling them where there polling station was. Unfortunately they were mainly told streets that did not exist. Luckily, Jimm Webb still managed to win a seat in the Senate, although it was only by a few hundred votes. If Republican supporters had been slightly smarter and given real addresses which did not contain polling stations, it might have been different.

In Florida, the cheating was more audacious and more effective is well. Congressman Vern Buchanan, who has already announced his victory was elected by some sort of electronic cheating. The New York Times is reporting "that more than 18,000 voters in Sarasota County, or 13 percent of those who went to the polls Tuesday, did not seem to vote in the Congressional race when they cast ballots, a discrepancy that Kathy Dent, the county elections supervisor, said she could not explain.

In comparison, only 2 percent of voters in one neighboring county within the same House district and 5 percent in another skipped the Congressional race, according to The Herald-Tribune of Sarasota. And many of those who did not seem to cast a vote in the House race did vote in more obscure races, like for the hospital board."

Furthermore, many Democratic voters who were succesful had difficulty in getting their vote to register and had to return to the beginning of the electronic ballot an vote a second time in order to make the computer register their vote.

The New York Times is also reporting that "a preliminary review by The Herald-Tribune found that if Ms. Jennings had won the same percentage of the 18,000 missing votes as she did among counted votes in Sarasota County, she would have won the race by about 600 votes instead of losing by 373."

The problem had been observed in early voting and Ms. Jennings campaign wrote to the
the county elections supervisor requesting an independent test of the machines, but they were ignored. Currently, the county elections supervisor is refusing to answer questions from the media.

But it gets better. Guess who gets to decide if their should be a recount? A committee consisting of Jeb Bush and two other Republican officials. What could be more insane than a country which doesn't have any sort of non-partisan election oversight whatsoever? Who in the entire world wouldn't think it was a good idea to have some sort of indepent agency to monitor and regulate elections? Cheaters, that's who. The US election system is broken and it needs to be fixed.


2 Elements Attain Perfection

Both Deejaying and Bboying seem to perhaps have acheived their perfect forms, when I observe the perfect emcee and the perfect piece of graffiti I will really begin to worry that God wants nothing more of us and will shut down our simulation.

LUIGI -- Old SChool Flavour with New School Technique

AMMENDMENT -- This Video is the same dancer, it's not Quite as Good,
but it Actually Works!


To make up for the broken link, here's four and a half minutes of koreans flying around.

AND nine minutes of koreans pretending to be marionettes!

DJ CRAZE -- holymotherfunkinwhatthefunk


Ninja Lawmakers!

From the nytimes:

The New York Times is reporting that a mysterious Senator or Congressman snuck an ammendment into a bill closing down the main Auditing Agency in Iraq. This is the agency that discovered that tens of thousands of weapons have gone missing and that keeps a close eye on contractors spending US development dollars.

"Investigations led by a Republican lawyer named Stuart W. Bowen Jr. in Iraq have sent American occupation officials to jail on bribery and conspiracy charges, exposed disastrously poor construction work by well-connected companies like Halliburton and Parsons, and discovered that the military did not properly track hundreds of thousands of weapons it shipped to Iraqi security forces.

And tucked away in a huge military authorization bill that President Bush signed two weeks ago is what some of Mr. Bowen’s supporters believe is his reward for repeatedly embarrassing the administration: a pink slip."

"Susan Collins, a Maine Republican who followed the bill closely as chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, says that she still does not know how the provision made its way into what is called the conference report, which reconciles differences between House and Senate versions of a bill.

Neither the House nor the Senate version contained such a termination clause before the conference, all involved agree.

“It’s truly a mystery to me,” Ms. Collins said. “I looked at what I thought was the final version of the conference report and that provision was not in at that time.”"

WHAT? What kind of a crazy system is that where ammendments can be snuck into bills just before they become laws with literally no record of who made the changes!!!

Seriously. Think about that. If you could find a place to hide under a desk or something in the congress and you brought a pen, who knows, maybe you could be a lawmaker too.


Reverse Graffiti

from the lovely and debonaire boingboing.net:


An artist in Leeds has been writing messages and drawing images on public walls, without the least bit of property damage. He is strategically cleaning away caked-on grime into the shapes of letters. His letters stand out almost as well as spray-paint, and yet, if anything, he has made the owners job slightly easier should they ever choose to clean it. Apparently he only uses water and a stiff brush.

It's writing in dusty windshields times a thousand.

Have we as a society reached a point of activity saturation that is so intense that we can only communicate by tearing away old layers of residue? Do we now make so much noise that silence is more noticeable than a loud declaration? Welcome to the mirror years, I will be your guide.