
Maher Arar

I'm sure all you have heard of Maher Arar, the Canadian Citizen who was placed on a security watchlist by the RCMP based on shakey evidence and then held at an airport in the US and deported to Syria where he was tortured until he confessed everything. Except he didn't confess, because he was innocent.

Our parlaiment, our prime minister and our police force have all stepped up and apologized. Admittedly an apology means virtually nothing after a mistake of this magnitude, but what is truly appalling is America's silence on this issue. The Republicans are busy drumming up some sort of compromise about torture in secret prisons, being 'compassionate conservatives' and all, but their bill makes no explicit mention of 'extraordinary renditions' which is in fact their preferred method of torture, because it lets them keep their hands clean.

Now I was under the impression that this was a massive gaffe by the RCMP, that we told the Americans he was a terrorist and that's why they did what they did. However, reading this NYtimes article I've realized that that's not how it happened at all.

The RCMP did put Mr. Arar on a watchlist and they did tell the Americans that he had had contact with suspected terrorists. HOWEVER, while Mr. Arar was being detained in the United States Canadian police came forward and "An Oct. 4 fax to the F.B.I. from Canadian counterterrorism officials said that they “had yet to complete either a detailed investigation of Mr. Arar or a link analysis on him,” and that “while he has had contact with many individuals of interest to this project we are unable to indicate links to Al Qaeda.” The RCMP suggested that the FBI allow Mr. Arar return to Canada where he would be put under surveillance.

Instead the Americans sent Mr. Arar to Syria to be tortured without telling the RCMP until it was too late.

We made a big mistake, but the FBI committed a crime.

Now admittedly, we're not sure if the FBI had some other intelligence, because they refused to cooperate with the RCMP Commision into the tradedy (which is suspicious in itself), but even if they did have 'intelligence' that might not mean much. After all they had 'intelligence' that suggested Saddam Hussein was building Nuclear Bombs and playing poker with Osama Bin Laden and was planning to reanimate Stalin.

I'm glad Stephen Harper has apologized to Mr. Arar for our government's mistake, but where is the condemnation of the US police state? A Canadian Citizen was stolen from us against our wishes, taken to a prison in the Middle East and tortured. Does this remind you of the igniting cause of any major wars that occured this summer? Israel bombed Lebanon into the Stone Age and we can't even muster up a pointed letter to the US Congress? Certainly that was a bit of hyperbole (but that's why you're here) we can only hope that the Americans intentions were as pure as they can be when you're torturing someone, we can only hope that they genuinely believed torturing Mr. Arar could help them save a lot of lives, but still, and I'm going to repeat this, the American Government stole one of our citizens against our wishes and tortured him.

These are our allies? This is the government we're dying for in Afghanistan because they've sunk all their troops into a gigantic quagmire based on made-up 'intelligence' and their psychotic president's desire to win the war his daddy started?

Why aren't we calling for George Bush's head on a platter?

Am I missing something here?

Is Stephen Harper such a weasel that he's waiting until after the US election to make a stink about this? He wouldn't want Americans hearing that his fellow 'compassionate conservatives' have been indiscriminately torturing their allies, now would he?

Don't get me a wrong, there are a lot of kind and caring Americans, hundreds of millions of them, but we are not helping out the average American by kowtowing to George Bush. We help the average American by standing up for what we both believe in -- truth, democracy and freedom. All of which are being consistently shat upon by the American government.


Children Grow Up So Fast

Time is coming unwravelled look at what these toddlers can do!

25 Month Old BBOY

4 Year Old DRUMMER


Irrational Terror

The police kill more people per year than terrorists do. Presumably 30 or 40 % of them are criminals, but still.

Thanks boing boing.


Look at this!

There's an article about me in the Wall Street Journal because of the order I put in for a complete set of Flora Danica china inscribed with Hippopotami. Of course, I placed the order under a pseudonym.

They're rather handsome don't you think?

They only set me back $400,000.

Unfortunately the WSJ article is for subscribers only, but you can read about it here.


DVD Advertisements

The other day I rented Brokeback Mountain. When I sat down to watch it, I was instead treated to a car advertisement. Somewhat irked, I pressed skip. The ad continued. I pressed the menu button. The ad continued. Universal Pictures had disabled the DVD. This is akin to selling me a car that only goes backwards for the first ten seconds after I start the engine, allowing me either to sit and wait or back through the wall of my garage. After thinking about this for a moment I realized the only place I could get movies that weren't broken was by pirating them from the internet or buying copies in Chinatown. And that's just what I intend to do. I encourage everyone to copy and paste this simple message onto your own blogs.


Dear Movie and Music Industry Idiots,

Please stop making products that are worse than the products that are available for free. Many of us believe in paying for art and we would like to do so, except all your CDs are fucked up beyond repair with idiotic DRM and your DVDs are defiled by unskippable ads.

I hereby pledge that for each time I encounter an advertisement on a DVD
I will download or otherwise pirate the next three films I was considering purchasing. Likewise, I will inspect the CDs I'm thinking about buying and download any that are encoded with DRM instead of spending my money on a broken product.

Yours Truly,

Matteus Von Mustard



Remember the Federal Accountability Act? The Stephen Harper promise that pretty much got him elected? The promise to clean up Ottawa and cut down on corruption, that had voters chomping at the bit to boot out the supposedly incorrigibly corrupt Liberals. Well, according to the Globe and Mail, current and former ethics commisioners agree that it is in many ways less stringent than the previous code of conduct. For example instead of only being allowed to accept gifts from 'close personal friends,' MPs will be able to accept gifts from any and all 'friends.' Just imagine the immense girth that the term 'friend' will come to have in a court of law!

'Sure he's my friend. If he wasn't my friend why would he buy me a yacht? You don't buy yachts for your enemies. Unless they're exploding yachts, but that's neither here nor there.'

I'm still waiting for Stephen Harper to do something right. Although I guess he increased funding to Harbourfront, to be fair.

Read the article here.